
It is your generosity that allows us to share our faith in Jesus.

Every bit helps, so thank you so much for your contribution.  All donations are tax deductible.

You can donate using three options:

Option 1

  • In person during such service via Cash, Check or Money Order: make check payable to Mount Bethel Baptist Church.

    Option 2

  • Mail Check or Money Order: make check payable to Mount Bethel Baptist Church.

    Send donations to:

    Mount Bethel Baptist Church
    P.O. Box 1103
    Roxboro, NC 27573

    Option 3

  • Online: Give securely online with a debit or credit card using PayPal service. All donations are processed safe and secure.  Recurring donations are also available for your convenience. Easy, fast and secure!

    Note: PayPal has a flat fee for receiving payments $0.30 + 2.9% of the amount donated.  For example, if donating $100.00 the fee is $3.20.  Therefore, the net amount given to the church is $96.80.

    To make your online donation, click Donate below. 

    Note: In the Add special instructions field enter the type of donation such as Tithes, Offerings, Building Fund, etc.

    Thank you!
  • ©2025 Mount Bethel Baptist Church, Roxboro, NC